Thursday, June 22, 2006

perfectly hilarious

Friday, June 16, 2006

lost art

last night i sat down and drew with a pencil and paper. it was one of the most familiar yet strangest things i've felt in a long time. the reason being that i work as a graphic designer and i'm used to the mac as my medium. i'm used to tools that draw perfectly straight lines and perfectly round circles. i'm used to an undo key that reverts my design back to what it was before i messed it up. i'm used to a delete button that quickly eliminates my bad ideas. i'm used to speed and efficiency and i can't believe it's been so long since i've drawn something by hand.

growing up, my favorite thing to do was draw. i loved it. i would easily spend over 50 hours on a colored-pencil drawing of mulder & scully from the x-files. the first big purchase i made in my life were my colored pencils. they cost me about $120 and could be considered my best investment. nothing felt better than finishing a project and being proud of the end result and the effort that went into it. back then, i did it for me. it was theraputic, exciting, challenging, relaxing and such a big part of who i was.

now i "draw" for a "living." i've lost my hobby. i design on-demand, work during uncreative hours, take orders from clients who have no taste or understanding of what i do, and have no desire to do art for myself anymore. i don't necessarily regret choosing my passion as my job, but i know part of me is lost. i wonder if i'll ever have the desire to pull out my beloved colored pencils. i wonder if i could even create what i used to with them. i wonder if i continue doing graphic design that i'll lose even more of my love and ambition for what used to make me feel the most at peace.

Monday, June 05, 2006

don't believe anything you read on the internet...
unless it's on

i don't know about anyone else, but i completely trust snopes with my life. is that bad? just today i got another riduculous email about a spider hanging out under toilet seats in public restrooms (link) and for a brief moment i panicked because i'm horribly arachnophobic, but then i visited my reliable Website O' Truthiness and breathed an almost expected sigh of relief. snopes has really taught me how to spot the bullshit emails after practicallly reading just the first sentence, but i still have to check and make sure. thanks snopes, if it weren't for you i wouldn't be able to pee in public without fear of spider bites, sit down in movie theatres without fear of getting stuck with an aids-filled needle, have sex knowing that coca-cola does not work as a spermacide, or be smart enough not to inject myself with pantene shampoo in an attempt to get high.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

good and bad

good: i get to watch the last 2 episodes of lost (season 1) tonight
bad: season 2 doesn't come out until october

good: we have our open house at work tomorrow with a margarita magic machine
bad: clients will be here, so i shouldn't drink too much of it

good: i've been at my new job for a year, so i get to start putting into my retirement account here
bad: the money in my 401K from my old job can't roll into it

good: ...i think that means i'll be diversified
bad: ...i really don't know anything about investing

good: it's 5:00 so i can leave work
bad: i'm now faced with the daily dilemma of trying to talk myself into exercising instead of going home and sitting on my ass