Friday, February 09, 2007

tommy, the lion king and i rent joseph and the amazing technocolor dreamcoat... with cats

ever since i was little my mom has been taking me to musicals. it's something that we have always done together, so i've grown to really appreciate that time we share. this week we saw the lion king, and i just really enjoyed it*. somehow after i leave the magic of the theatre, i forget how great i feel while sitting there taking in the beauty of such amazing talent. i almost always get choked up at some point during musicals, not necessarily because of the story but because there's always that breathtaking moment of perfect harmony between everything i love in the art world: a fun story, amazing music, incredible singing, beautiful set design, phenomenal dancing, witty comic relief... it's almost too much for me to handle.

this inspired me to make a list of my top 5 favorite musicals, so here it is in no particular order:

cats. this is the first musical i really remember seeing so it will always hold a special place in my heart. plus the dancing in cats is incredible.

rent. seeing this with my mom in early high school was great. she wanted to be offended, but couldn't.

tommy. a deaf, dumb and blind kid playing pinball, electric guitars and the who. yeah, pretty sweet.

the king and i. i saw this one on broadway. enough said.

joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat. i saw this when i was pretty young and remember thinking this was somehow blasphemous. maybe that's why i like it.

*i've pretty much enjoyed every musical i've been to except starlight express, sorry a.l.w., but holy crap that's on a whole new level of sucking. "whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo - nobody can do it like a steam train. whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo - everybody's waiting for their dream train." seriously?


Blogger Lara said...

Ha, I was wondering if you'd say anything about Starlight Express. I remember talking to you after you got home and you were still in shock from the awfulness of it all. Too funny!

8:36 AM  
Blogger JulieGong said...

Are you more of an in person musical fan or a tv musical fan?

6:20 AM  
Blogger dub said...

oh definitely in-person. i really have only seen a few on tv and they in no way have the same effect. :)

5:49 PM  

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